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In this year which is 2020 I am student of KPTM bangi in diploma level,so today I would like to talk or share about where exactly I see myself in three or five years soon come.In three years ahead I see myself works as accountant assistant in Petronas Company after finished my diploma in accounting which is I need to fine some money about one year to cover the cost of learning when I want to continue my degree soon.On that time, I think I want to ask my employer for support my education cost and hope he or she will consider it. In the next two years ,after many challenges that I have to face day by day as a student for 2 years, I graduate as a degree student excellently and get the certificate.If on the time I continue my degree was support by Petronas,I will continue gave all my energy to Petronas Company as a big thank from me to them.So,that all what I see myself in the next three or five years ahead.How about you?

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