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Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all of you that view our blog,thank you.So from task that given by lecture asked me to do some sharing about what I have learnd so far in this semester.On 4th Julay 2020,I have entered KPTM at Teras Jernang,Selangor which is I continue my study after graduated my high school last year.As we know to get a job is not enough only using SPM certificate as a resume to use during a job interview,so that why I continue my study.In this education I took Diploma in Accounting which take two years and eight months of study period.Why I take this course is because it’s lots of job opportunities after graduate this education.During learning that not exceed two months, I faced many situations.

         I have six subjects in this course.If you you ask me my hardest subject of cause it will be financial of accounting 1 because I never learn it before at high school,however I have many friends that can help me overcome with it by teaching me about what accouting is about.I used to invited them to make study group at night after Isyak prayer.Opposite that,business mathematic is my easiest subject is because the method we use in solving question is not hard as additional mathematic that I learned before at high school,so it not a big deal to say this subject is easy.

          Besides,I also learn how to be an independent student because of stayed far away from my parents.I have to wake early,wash all my cloths,spent money to eat.Because if I stayed at home my father or my mother use to woke me.When I want to eat I do not have to spent money because my mother already cook some food to me.Also to wash my cloths I do not have to waste my energy,just put all my dirty cloths inside washing machine and wait until it done and dry it under the sun.So that all I want to share to you all today,do not forget to visit my friend’s blog too.Thank you !

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