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       Assalamualaikum and hi to everyone. It has been almost a month, I have been studying at KPTM Bangi. I met my old friend and made new friend. Today I would like to talk about how my studies here. For the first semester I take, six subjects and the subjects were quite the same during my SPM year but the contents are more fun and interesting


        The first subject I would like to talk about is Principles of Financial Accounting (PFA 1123). For me, this subject is not really hard to tackle because I already learned it during my SPM year at my high school. I can say that I do have accounting basics and I can teach my friends who are still new to this subject. Actually, accounting is enjoyable subject for those who loves to calculate and want to try new thing besides exploring sciences because accounting requires us to master in basic mathematics skills only. For your information, accounting only uses the basic symbols such as plus, minus, multiply and divide in mathematics. Besides that, it also requires us to master in understanding the exact meaning of the question or you will end up make mistake during the accounts transferration. To summarize my opinion about accounting is you need to truly interested in that particular subject so you could feel the pleasure when you are doing the assignments.


       Next, I would like to share about the hardest subject I have learned the past month, it was Pengajian Malaysia (MPU2163). This subject is about Malaysian history which I am quite weak in it. I guess I used my left brain smartly than my right brain. I also get bored easily when I tried to read the black and white textbook. So I decided to refer to the lecturer’s powerpoint notes and write it back using my colourful pens to make it brighter and interesting to read and I quite satisfied with my notes. Other than that, Business Mathematics (TBM1063) is the easiest subject for me. Actually I need to learn some of the Additional Mathematics content in this subject but the solution method is not so tough like SPM questions so I can breathe normally back after learning it for a month. This subject taught you how to do well in maximizing profit and minimizing cost which related to accounting process.


        To sum up my essay today, I would like to conclude that, everyone has their own ability, some of them tend to be good in calculation and some of them tend to be good in reading and memorizing. So we all should take this opportunity to help our friends who are weak and not familiar in that particular subject so together we could reach our goals to become the excellent students and get CGPA 4.00 every semester.

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