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Greetings Miss. I’m Avineish but you can call me by my nickname as Wan. I
am 19 years old. I born in 9 September 2001. I am a student in KPTM Bangi and
currently studying in Diploma In Accounting here. I am a male.

I am coming from Ringlet, Cameron Highlands where the place is cold and
surrounded by nature. I finished my secondary school education in MRSM
Parit,Perak for 4 years and 1 year in public school. For your Information,I did pursue
Foundation In Business Information Technology course at INTI International
University Nilai for one year. Unfortunately,due to covid-19,I can’t successfully
finished it because it costs a lot of money in overall. So, I decided to quit the
program in my semester 2.

I am interested in gardening,keeping pets. Basically,I love roses. At my
home,there are types of roses which is around two to three years old. For
example,Golden celebration and Commonwealth Glory(white roses) are some
common types that can be found there. I would like to share an interesting fact
about them. Roses are rich in vitamin C. So,when it withered I will dry the petals
under the sun and use it as an ingredient as a natural face cream. I mix it with aloe
vera and cucumber for daily use. Sounds interesting right! Furthermore,I keep fish is
my hobby. I do keep various kinds of fishes but the most favourite is goldfish. I call
her as Nemo since it is orange in colour. The fact is she is cute and chubby but the
best thing is she gets excited to the max whenever I pass by her.

In addition,public speaking in Bahasa Melayu and English is my talent. During
school days,I have won lots of prizes and certificates in primary and secondary
school. I would like to share some of my pros and cons over here. Physically I am well
prepared and brave standing on stage and give talk but mentally I am very frighten
to see audiences in front of me. That’s my nature and so far I can control it but not
one hundred percent. The good thing is so far majority of them didn’t notice it. I felt
that we should appreciate on what we had done wheter it’s right or wrong. As an
English proverb says If at first you don’t succeed,try,try,again.

My greatest achievement is I had won trophies and certificates in public
speaking competition in district and state levels. I also achieved to score 7As in trial
SPM 2018.I am also a chairman of School Youth Cadet before.

So far,I felt that meeting new competitors is my biggest challenge. For
example,there are competitors who perform better than me. So,competing and
winning prize among them is extraordinary and we have to be really prepared for it.
Moreover, we have to be consistent while training. It is important to familiarize our
self to face any situation in future.

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