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Past a few months, Covid-19 had became a trending issue had took the world by surprise globally, everything had stopped major projects has been delayed, worksplaces closed and schools shut down. The world seems to have ground to aeducation system. Students are studying by video calls with their teachers day by day. This alternative contains both advantages and disadvantages to students.


First and foremost, studying via online learning saves time education institutions such as school, colleges, universities are closed due to the pandemic. Students do not have to drive to class instead everything is provided online. Students can invest more time in doing other activities thay may require more attention in virtual classroom, students may have difficulties to wake up and come to school on time. But in online learning it’s completely different that they can do everything just in one click anytime anywhere.


Secondly, the anxiety level of students decreases. Students may feel more anxiety during face to face classroom  compared to online learning in online class, students appearance are not barely seen by teachers so, they will feel confident to ask questions. Furthermore, students will build up additional strengths and moral values as well. For example, being brave, hardworking, being polite and so on.



The disadvantages of online learning are having poor internet connections. The internet connection may vary according to strength of places. For example, at rural areas the connection is weak because the area network coverage is not strong. Students will face difficulties while online learning, they will also frequently lose connections during class hours too. Rather than that, students unable to understand the lessons. For example, virtual classroom is more convenient and easy to catch up the knowledge compared to online classes teachers may face difficulties to teach to students if they keep not mastering the subjects well.


In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages towards online learning. So, we have to identify and know the goods and the bads to drive towards success.

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